Methodist Men
Next meeting date: Dec (TBA) Methodist Men meets bi-monthly for a hearty breakfast and an inspirational devotional. We gather at 8:30 am on a Saturday morning and so far, average attendance is about 18.
The men have a great time cooking in the kitchen. Last time they served up scrambled eggs, homemade biscuits, gravy, sausage, and bacon.
If you would like to be on the rotation of cooking, or you would like to be notified when we are having a meeting, please send me your contact information and I’ll gladly text you. Thanks, Mark Floyd 903/571-4463
Tyler Street Team
We support the Tyler Street Team with necessities and supplies to donate to people making the transition from homelessness. We assemble start up kits with toiletries, bath and kitchen items, towels, and bedding. The Tyler Street Team provides emergency assistance to those experiencing homelessness by connecting these individuals to local resources and volunteers, mentoring, addressing their continuing needs and fostering community awareness and outreach.

Meals on Wheels
We deliver meals Monday thru Thursday to 10 clients along Hwy 155, between CR 196 and Coffee City. For the Friday meal, we offer extra frozen meals.
Special thanks for our drivers, Richard and Ellie Brown, Donna Martin, Nancy Lackey, Dennis Phillips, Kim Ewing and Larry Hickman. It is because of your continuous support and dedication we can make a meaningful impact on the lives of those in need within our community.
Multimedia Team
We are very excited to launch a new dimension to our Worship Service. Two screens have been installed at the front of the church on either side of the center Cross. A back screen has been installed at the rear of the sanctuary to display words for the Praise Team and the Pastor. This is a very important ministry and will greatly enhance our worship service. Thank you for all who have worked so hard and to those who have made generous donations to help make this happen. If you have computer skills, we are currently forming a Multi Media Team. If you are interested, please contact Kathy Stark 903/714-5869 or Mark Floyd, 903/571-4463.
Social Media
We are updating our Facebook and Instagram Pages and would like to have a Social Media Team who are good at taking current pictures that would depict the life of our church. This is an important ministry that enables our church to reach out to people beyond our walls. If you are interested, please contact Mark Floyd: 903/571-4463 or talk to any of our media team.