“Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.” Psalms 100:4
WORSHIP MINISTER: Rev. Charlotte Floyd, Senior Deacon: It’s been a long time, but God has finally made it possible to come home to the church where my journey into the ministry began. I was ordained a Deacon and now I have recently transferred my ordination and my Extension Ministry (music studio) to the GMC. Worshiping the Lord through music is my center point. Every Sunday I am so blessed to lead worship and sing praises alongside each of these amazing people who have become our Praise Team. Thank you, Lord, for allowing me to serve at the Noonday Church. Blessings to all.
Mark Floyd: Mark grew up in Tyler and he was drafted into the US Army after high school, serving in Vietnam ‘71-‘72. Mark was a Real Estate Appraiser and New Construction Inspector for VA, FHA and Home Builders Warranty for 45 years. He retired 10 years ago. Glenwood Methodist was his home church and he served as Sunday School Superintendent and Athletic Director. Singing every Sunday and running sound for the Praise Team is an important part of his life. Mark also experienced choirs, hand bells, and running sound for the Noonday Oprys. I thank you Mark for all you do!
Judy Hughes: Judy has been active in our church program since 1976. When our music program grew, Judy sang in the choir and was a member of the hand bell choir and the Noonday Oprys. Currently Judy is on the Praise Team, leading the hymns on Sunday mornings. Thank you, Judy!
Lori Roper: Lori is a retired teacher. Lori first joined Noonday Methodist in 1992. She was a member of our Noonday Choir and hand bell choir. Lori loves to laugh and have fun, so of course she was a part of the Noonday Oprys. We are thankful Lori’s spiritual path has brought her home to Noonday Methodist Church.
Pam West: Pam has been singing and playing keyboards all her life. Wherever Pam is, she is worshiping God through music. This includes singing in her barn when she is feeding her horses. Every Sunday, Pam is worshiping and singing on the Praise Team. She is a blessing to our music.
Mike West: During the week Mike is an Appellate District Attorney for Smith County. Playing guitar has always been an important part of Mike’s life, playing in many different rock bands. Mike is very skillful on his guitar and adds a unique sound. Five years ago Mike joined a Praise Team I was leading at another Methodist Church and now he is playing with the Noonday Praise Team. Several months ago Mike and Pam West joined our church. Welcome Mike and Pam!
Rose Cumby: Rose has been spreading her anointed singing ministry for over 30 plus years. As a native of Hawkins, Texas, she started off singing in her uncle’s family church.
Rose has had the opportunity to witness through song throughout East Texas and the surrounding areas, as well as Costa Rica. Her love for singing is one frequently requested by her husband, George, and she has trained and helped mentor her daughters and many others through song. (Written by Shanita Spencer, daughter of Rose Cumby).
Sharla Bowen: Sharla is the newest and youngest member of the Praise Team. She is a junior at All Saints HS. She is involved in music, acting and sports (soccer and track). She is the D.A.R.E. youth advocacy board representative for the State of Texas and an AP honors student. Sharla hopes to attend the Univ of Miami and study forensic science and law. We are so glad to have Sharla with us. (written by Sharla’s Mom, Francine Bowen).