Wednesday morning Bible Study:
with Rev George, will begin on Aug 16, 10:00am. We will meet in the Fellowship Hall. We hope you will join us.
We are hopeful for many new, and past, worshipers to come worship with us at the Noonday Methodist Church. OUR SERVICE IS AT 10:30AM, WITH ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL AT 9:30AM.

– Video Screens: Two screens have been installed at the front of the church on either side of the center Cross. A back screen has been installed at the rear of the sanctuary to display words for the Praise Team and the Pastor. This is a very important ministry and will greatly enhance our worship service. Thank you for all who have worked so hard and to those who have made generous donations to help make this happen.
– Front lighting has been enhanced at the front of the Sanctuary.
– Church Wide Cleanup: Left-over rummage-sale items have been removed and donated to Salvation Army. The gym is ready to be utilized. Ideas have been suggested to possibly have Pickle Ball games and 3 on 3 Basketball in the future.
– Gym air conditioner was replaced this summer.
– The Dynamite Squares meet Wed nights, 7:00 – 9:00 pm in the fellowship hall. This is the only Plus Level Square Dance group in our area. They have been dancing together for 17 years. Visitors are welcome. If you would like to participate there is a fee of $17 per dance night. For more information contact Linda and Ron Mineau, 903/570-1228. “Square Dancing is friendship to music.”
Troop 6422, has been meeting in our church since late 2019. The troop has had many activities; such as learning to make flashlights before a campout, and Fall Harvests, with games, costumes, and lots of fun and goodies. Over the years the girls participated in fund raisers: Girl Scout Cookie sales, Christmas gift wrapping, and preparing and serving a Valentine breakfast. Meetings are held at the church on the first Saturday of the month, 2-4pm. New members, all ages, are welcome. If interested call Noonday Methodist Church, 903-561-6128.
Bell Ringers Rehearsal
Wednesdays 9:00 am – 10/00 am.
We are preparing Christmas music for December worship.
We will rehearse Oct – Dec 2023.
BELL RINGERS is a newly formed ministry of Noonday Methodist Church. We are busy learning how to ring Hand Bells and Tone Bells. Our goal is to be ready to add to a few of our Christmas worship services including Christmas Eve. Under the direction of Charlotte Floyd, we are rehearsing Wed mornings, 9:00 – 10:00, Oct – Dec.